Friday, May 3, 2013

journal april

sometimes i want to go back to a life of having plenty of time and no money.

after rails i suppose

but can i live like i have plenty of time? when in fact i have a job? when i had plenty of time and no money, i would...

after europe right?

yeah, a bit before, really, it was on the road to bradock that i started becoming obsessed with the idea of spending nothing, cause i realized i could,

i had started it really as soon as i stopped working for core, the experiment...

I read through that journal and a few more, I should pack, i've got three hours till dinner.

today was really beautiful, riding in the car, 
the leaves all changing colour, i feel nostalgic and sad thinking about it, i still remember crying into my pillow,

i want wine and to be drunk and writing, i will be home soon, i can not believe that i will be home soon and i will not have to do anything, i will be free.

simple life, life of no money, bike tour life, 
what stops me in portland?

alcohol and breakfast and friendships, 
but i can take a break from drinking, i can become a health nut, 
and i wouldn't stop myself from taking sailing lessons, and learning to program

i guess i'm just really trying to drill in the idea of not drinking as much.

it's neary time for bed, time for flosing for sure

i dream of a world

that has a tool library at every 3 mile block, there would be 20 or so in portland alone. shacks, with basic tools and for purchase, nails, or sand paper, and other consumables. 
if there was space, they'd have other capital collectives as well, things like bike collectives, and car collectives, centers/hubs where people congregate to do stuff, to fix things, to build.  

my questions; would these be government facilities? it'd be great for them to be open all the time, but unlikely, 
unless we could come up with a system, that made it so easy, and simple, safe, enjoyable to volunteer.  average joe should be able to check tools out to people, and accept money, of 

once they are built, how do we keep them from becoming stagenet? out dated, unused like our current library system.