Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Edmonton bike thief steals dream trip - Edmonton - CBC News

Edmonton bike thief steals dream trip - Edmonton - CBC News

the idea of this happening to me mid trip is one of the scariest thoughts... It's eerily spooky to see the black surly, even tho mine is a cross check, not a long haul...)

if he fund raises, i will definitely throw down...

i've thought about purchasing a crazy hub, (rohloff speedhub) but they cost like a 1000 dollars.  I thought about asking for one as a gear grant, but i just can't imagine having something so expensive on my bike.

I'm pulled between being a total gear geek, and having the cheapest, most replaceable bike.  I've had my touring bike stollen, it sucks, i cried.  Luckily i had not tricked out the components, I bought another surely cross check and once it was assembled out the box, i didn't feel like i was riding a different bike.

Same thoughts float through my mind when it comes to camping gear.  Already my set up has cost me:

200 tent
 80 sleeping pad
120 sleeping bag
 60 stove
 50 mess kit
200 panniers (tho i made them, retail i would have paid)
100 bike tools 
810 (spent over 3 years and 3 major bike tours)

So far i've gotten all my clothing used or repurposed...  but i contemplate wool leggings from icebreaker, oooo, but $85.  If the inevitable happens, and someone steels even one bag, while they might not be able to sell these things, i will be out 100's of dollars.

Also, seeing how i want to believe that everyone should bike tour, but i will not be leading any kind of example if i spend thousands of dollars on my set up.  Again, a gear library, i know it's going to happen.  

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

sell all my worldly belongings before leaving on epic bike tour?

today i made a list of my belongings that i could possibly sell.

there's my computer, my books, records, cloths, and sewing supplies.

when i think about being away from my things for two years (as i have envisioned this tour to take two years of my life) i think, yeah, why the fuck would i want to keep on these silly things.

also, it brings up a lot fo thoughts about what happens after I get back.  do i just enter into regular momoko life? living in my alberta house, volunteering at bike farm and having a pleasant garden?  or will i continue to travel and check in with collectives i visited while on tour, and see what else i can do to help?  certainly my life will have changed.  planning for what happens after feels odd and pointless, which is weird for me, i've always got my life planned 3 years in advance...

but back to the items to sell, 
clothing, seems like a obvious sale.  the stuff might not even fit me the same way anymore.  styles, if i paid attention to that stuff, would have changed.  but is the $100 that i might get for my whole closet worth the possibility of letting go of something meaningful.  But maybe it's not the $100 i'm looking for, maybe it's the liberation.

when i left for australia, i gave away 50% of my clothing.  for the past 9 months i've easily survived off a suitcase of cloths, and for the past 2 months (while traveling the US) i have had just 3 outfits.  i'm practicing for tour.  it's fun.  i just bought super cool underwear (exofficio) that supposably you don't really have to wash, and when you do, (every few days) it drys in less than an hour.  what if that was just the underwear i own.  i guess the draw back is costume.  I love costume and you can't really do that with 3 outfits.

weather of course also gets in the way.  though i have found that with a good pair of wool tights, i can be warm thro a lot.

man, i'm no writer.  and i do think i ought to be more discerning than what i would normally write on livejournal.

but enough self doubt.  i want a place to write this.  to go on and on about what socks to bring on tour. oh how to live life more simply, to get rid of distraction, and focus on the important.

yet it doesn't stop me from owning oh... 7 black jackets?  yeah, 
maybe i should just sell it all, 
not for the money, if i had to trade money for something i cared about, that would not be worth it.  what i have to do is stop caring about this stuff.

grants... the beginnings

I've found myself at the portland library.  I'm doing grant research for the first time.
But all i want to do is read blogs about bike culture.  I want a lot of things but what i probably should be doing, is looking for grants.  Even though the library is a great resource for grant writing, and it allows you to search through all the grantors in the USA, it's still a mess.
Either my search is to narrow, and I find nothing, or my search is broad and I wonder, should I really ask re-max realty for money?

I worked for a company once that donated to causes...
My company got it's tax deduction from Non-profits who the owners knew personally or had a history with.  The owners used the 10k donation, or what ever it was, that was given yearly to boost their egos and help out their friends.
Why would any of these organizations be any different.
And honestly, why should they give bike farm money.

I think i like kick starter better, i like kiva too.  There is something really wrong with our grant system.  Or at least, it's not for the little guys.
Or, i don't know,

Maybe there's something wrong with bike farm.  Even if I could get a grant, which for some reason I think I can, if it were for something like build bikes, who would manage it?  who would make sure it actually happened, the money went somewhere, people got on bikes?

Frank?  while he runs the rest of the shop?  no, we are just a community bike shop.  It's hard enough just to keep our doors open.  And while, grantors love to see programs and measurable effect, reality is that we do the best good by just being consistently open.  Maybe I should be writing grant to make Bike Farm free (though i have some philosophical questions about the benefit of "free")

What do we really need? volunteers,
We just need the people to see us and care about us.  Maybe we do need advertising...
Maybe we should do a kick start.
Not for the money, but for the publicity...

this is what we need.
I've realized this before, now it becomes apparent, we not only do not need a document library as much as we need volunteers, but we also don't need money, as much as we need volunteers.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Bike Bike San Marcos - and train mumblings

Right, i’m on the train for 60 hours, this is supposed to be where i can at least write.  It’s been two weeks since i was supposed to, supposed to write about the meeting with the bike collective in Adelaide  (AU).  This was my first adventure into meeting a collective which is trying to start out.  I’m not sure what my barrier is at this moment, to writing about all that i have learned.  Ok, let's just break it down, 

  • you can’t instruct someone on how to build a bike collective, it has to be the baby of the volunteers for them to be invested.  
  • As long as you have volunteers and as long as you have donated bikes, everything else seems to work out.  It may be chaotic, but the doors stay open as long as there are volunteers.
  • so what the bicycle collective needs is not necessarily a document library, but instructions on how to get more volunteers and more donations.
  • and they need help with advertising, and informing people about the collective.

the wiki works.  I used it on this train ride.  i met a guy from UC Riverside, he lived for years in the Bay and when I said that the bike collective in Portland (bike farm) was just like the bike kitchen (in Sf) he knew just what i was talking about.  I checked on the wiki to see if there was a collective in Riverside and there was!  And so i showed him, and i emailed the Riverside collective and told them, “Do more outreach!  Cause there are people in Riverside who love bikes but they don’t know about you!”
The guy who runs (or answers the email) befriended me on facebook, he was excited that i was outreaching for his collective.  He told me that they have had a hard time keeping it open do to lack of volunteers.

i remember one of the workshops that was most interesting but not on the schedule for bike bike! was “how to avoid burn out”.  Surely the veterans of the bike collectives should have some advice, this might be a good topic to discuss.

There are emails to send, yes, i believe this is why it’s hard to write, because already in this short post i’ve thought of three emails i need to write, one so important that i stopped mid sentence to write it.  and i guess that is a lot of it, but again, this is why i’m on a train for 60 hours.  to get this stuff done.
but the writing, the touchy feely thoughts about how to start a movement, how to save the world, the question i often wonder, if we were to help out collectives with tools and money, would it really be so good  for them, or would they just not be as invested in their collective.

so it’s almost as if bike bike has a responsibility to get the word out about bike collectives.

A resource, business cards.  all collectives should have business cards, 
all collectives should be on google maps and the first hit on google searches 
key words, collective, community, free (if they are) and it would be great if every bike collective had a free open shop day.

I probably shouldn't use should... heh, 
anyhow, rambles...